It's Wednesday. Lab day. I miss PGSS. But it wasn't so bad. Actually, it's rather interesting to calculate the components of the forces acting on an object that's hanging by three strings. But I'm a nerd, and I just proved it again. (If you're interested, the final results were 3.46 N i, 10.2 N j, and 10.2 N k for 1 kg.) Anyway, I'm bored. I'm trying not to finish Tamora Pierce's "Sandry's Book" until after the English test 5th period. No sense getting me all confused and trying to put four teenage mages into "In Cold Blood." The little voice inside my head that gets all the answers right says that would be a bad thing.
But other than that, there's not much going on today. "Meet at the Flagpole" was this morning, but I only caught the tail end of it, because I rode the bus. It stinks, but it was enough so that I'm not in a bad mood now, thank God. (Literally.)
Okay, technically, I should go. Lunch starts in about one minute, and it takes longer than that to log off.
Bis spaeter.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Trapped. Restricted. They (the "establishment," to pull from sixties terminology) must realize that all the rules, the regulations, the interruptions in the midst of tests that come on the most inconvenient days, are succeeding in making me despise a whole lot of things. Crowds. Honestly, I can only stand them in certain situations. Like Creation. I don't really mind crowds there. Well, I do, but I don't mind them as much as I do here, where everyone stumbles down the halls in semi-living stupors.
Really, I just hate reading In Cold Blood, and I know I'm supposed to have the last... 30 pages read by fifth period. If it were by Tamora Pierce or Wen Spencer, I know I'd have no trouble whatsoever. But authors with more complex writing, such as Timothy Zahn or Frank Herbert, their books take longer. And authors with boring writing and dry subjects, well, their works are just impossible. But I guess that's what nonfiction's for--making sure you're still able to read the most impossible literature on the face of the planet. I'm just griping. We have this whole stupid mandatory reading thing yet to go, and I actually have material I have to read during it. But when I'm done, if my muse returns, they can't stop me. The whole point of the reading time is so that we can do better on the PSSAs. Well, surprisingly enough, I didn't do as well on writing as anything else--there was one area I didn't score "advanced" in. Therefore, it would be logical to conclude that my "sentence" during this time should be to write, no?
On a brighter note, if people would just leave me alone and if I had nothing better to do, I'd be done with my senior paper by now. One of the next things we need to do is find six valid sources for information, all in varied media. Well, whahoo. I've got seven webpages, three pdf's, two books, a magazine, four reference books, and a list of six plausible contacts for interviews. I think I'm set, and that's not even been assigned yet. I think it's due October 19th. lol. Put the word "science fiction" in something, and I'm biting at the bit to finish. But, alas, inclusion classes must progress at the pace of their slowest members, and we only work on senior project one day a week. Three days are for "modern humanities" and one day is reserved for artists. I'm bored.
On an even brighter note, Timothy Zahn made it into the refrence books I was looking in this morning, as did Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clark, and H.G. Wells. Tamora Pierce isn't there yet.
So... I should get back to the murder story. I have an essay to write on it tonight and no time in which to do it. I also have a math test after English that I didn't study for. But I swear I did homework all afternoon yesterday! I just have so little to show for it...
Really, I just hate reading In Cold Blood, and I know I'm supposed to have the last... 30 pages read by fifth period. If it were by Tamora Pierce or Wen Spencer, I know I'd have no trouble whatsoever. But authors with more complex writing, such as Timothy Zahn or Frank Herbert, their books take longer. And authors with boring writing and dry subjects, well, their works are just impossible. But I guess that's what nonfiction's for--making sure you're still able to read the most impossible literature on the face of the planet. I'm just griping. We have this whole stupid mandatory reading thing yet to go, and I actually have material I have to read during it. But when I'm done, if my muse returns, they can't stop me. The whole point of the reading time is so that we can do better on the PSSAs. Well, surprisingly enough, I didn't do as well on writing as anything else--there was one area I didn't score "advanced" in. Therefore, it would be logical to conclude that my "sentence" during this time should be to write, no?
On a brighter note, if people would just leave me alone and if I had nothing better to do, I'd be done with my senior paper by now. One of the next things we need to do is find six valid sources for information, all in varied media. Well, whahoo. I've got seven webpages, three pdf's, two books, a magazine, four reference books, and a list of six plausible contacts for interviews. I think I'm set, and that's not even been assigned yet. I think it's due October 19th. lol. Put the word "science fiction" in something, and I'm biting at the bit to finish. But, alas, inclusion classes must progress at the pace of their slowest members, and we only work on senior project one day a week. Three days are for "modern humanities" and one day is reserved for artists. I'm bored.
On an even brighter note, Timothy Zahn made it into the refrence books I was looking in this morning, as did Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clark, and H.G. Wells. Tamora Pierce isn't there yet.
So... I should get back to the murder story. I have an essay to write on it tonight and no time in which to do it. I also have a math test after English that I didn't study for. But I swear I did homework all afternoon yesterday! I just have so little to show for it...
Monday, September 25, 2006
hi. This is a post. Haven't been on a computer all weekend. Got to go research stuff for senior project. ttyl bye.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Quote of the day: "Captain, where there's a will, there's an or."
Question of the day: Why can't more people be better in school?
Ted's question: Why can't you stay home from school?
I'm bored.
Can't you tell?
I'm bored.
Bored as...
;) j/k I'm just totally disillusioned about school right now. It's slow. It's boring. Our assignment in computer class today was to make a new file and save four images in it. HA! What a joke! That took a grand total of two minutes, and only because I was picky about it and wanted to get the pics off my flash, but the school computers don't load flashes unless you're logged off when you plug them in.
I starting reading again this morning--Timothy Zahn's Spinnerette--and found out I only have the first quarter. It's a tough call now whether to continue or to stop. I don't want to get a whole quarter of the way into it and not be able to get my hands on the rest. But anyway. Hopefully the prologue was enough to lure my muse back. Okay, so obviously not since I"m on here.
Hey, I"m going to go type up a letter to the principal. ttyl.
Question of the day: Why can't more people be better in school?
Ted's question: Why can't you stay home from school?
I'm bored.
Can't you tell?
I'm bored.
Bored as...
;) j/k I'm just totally disillusioned about school right now. It's slow. It's boring. Our assignment in computer class today was to make a new file and save four images in it. HA! What a joke! That took a grand total of two minutes, and only because I was picky about it and wanted to get the pics off my flash, but the school computers don't load flashes unless you're logged off when you plug them in.
I starting reading again this morning--Timothy Zahn's Spinnerette--and found out I only have the first quarter. It's a tough call now whether to continue or to stop. I don't want to get a whole quarter of the way into it and not be able to get my hands on the rest. But anyway. Hopefully the prologue was enough to lure my muse back. Okay, so obviously not since I"m on here.
Hey, I"m going to go type up a letter to the principal. ttyl.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
So... I've gotten complaints that I don't update often enough, and since I said I would during the "activity period" today and never did, I'll go now.
PHysics--boring as usual; went over circular motion for a while then started programming our SAM-bots. We had just typed in a piece of program when the bell rang. I was late to purpose.
Purpose--Not much here. Added a couple phrases in "Shogakun" and started getting ready to send "Take Care" to F&SF. I'll work on it more next week. Just wish it were quiet in there so I could work.
German--Not used to seeing nude mermaid pictures. Not sure I want to be used to it, either. All well.
Webpage--Good class for multitasking. I read "Shogakun" *and* did my work; the teacher goes too slow. Waaaaay too slow. Maybe it'll be better next semester.
English--What's his name keeps poking me. I am so going to flip out one of these times. I warned him, so it's not really all *that* uncalled-for. Presentation tomorrow about the perfect school. Only two-thirds of our group actually contributed. We tried, but the other girl didn't talk. Her loss, hopefully.
Calc--Russo wasn't there today. Made me sad; the student teacher is incredibly boring. Russo can at least disguise the fact that you're going over old material by using humor. The student teacher thought we'd never gone over it before. I worked on tonight's homework all period.
Acting--I was so looking forward to it, but alas, today was picture day, so the juniors took over the auditorium, which meant we couldn't do our stage fighting. :( So we played Mafia in the chorus room with a deck of cards we weren't supposed to have.
Econ--slow. But I guess that's okay. The teacher's entertaining, at least, so it's not so bad. I got my life somewhat organized, at least, as much as I can without actually doing anything. He says this chapter's hard, but that's only because we're working with graphs and their applications to real life and the explanatory variable is on the y-axis, which is stupid. C'est la vie.
Forgot to remake the Halloween invitations. All well, Maybe I"ll do it over the weekend. But I did at least engineer two fake people for the party. One is an ominous figure in all black with a mask, so without looking carefully, you can't tell whether it's a real person or not. I attached to him the hand I usually hang from the ceiling and the "bloody" sword with a trigger so that when someone moves one of the chairs, the sword should move. But it doesn't work, as is true with most of my MacGyverisms. The other is a white ghost I usually have on the ground. She's hanging this year, though, complete with dangling high-heeled shoes.
I was thinking I might be a pirate this year, but I went with faerie instead (can't spell that word anymore). It's cool. Soft, black dress with teal, lace sleeves and curly, sheer, black, sparkling wings. It has potential.
Okay, I didn't mean to get on here, so I'm going to go to sleep. Good night.
PHysics--boring as usual; went over circular motion for a while then started programming our SAM-bots. We had just typed in a piece of program when the bell rang. I was late to purpose.
Purpose--Not much here. Added a couple phrases in "Shogakun" and started getting ready to send "Take Care" to F&SF. I'll work on it more next week. Just wish it were quiet in there so I could work.
German--Not used to seeing nude mermaid pictures. Not sure I want to be used to it, either. All well.
Webpage--Good class for multitasking. I read "Shogakun" *and* did my work; the teacher goes too slow. Waaaaay too slow. Maybe it'll be better next semester.
English--What's his name keeps poking me. I am so going to flip out one of these times. I warned him, so it's not really all *that* uncalled-for. Presentation tomorrow about the perfect school. Only two-thirds of our group actually contributed. We tried, but the other girl didn't talk. Her loss, hopefully.
Calc--Russo wasn't there today. Made me sad; the student teacher is incredibly boring. Russo can at least disguise the fact that you're going over old material by using humor. The student teacher thought we'd never gone over it before. I worked on tonight's homework all period.
Acting--I was so looking forward to it, but alas, today was picture day, so the juniors took over the auditorium, which meant we couldn't do our stage fighting. :( So we played Mafia in the chorus room with a deck of cards we weren't supposed to have.
Econ--slow. But I guess that's okay. The teacher's entertaining, at least, so it's not so bad. I got my life somewhat organized, at least, as much as I can without actually doing anything. He says this chapter's hard, but that's only because we're working with graphs and their applications to real life and the explanatory variable is on the y-axis, which is stupid. C'est la vie.
Forgot to remake the Halloween invitations. All well, Maybe I"ll do it over the weekend. But I did at least engineer two fake people for the party. One is an ominous figure in all black with a mask, so without looking carefully, you can't tell whether it's a real person or not. I attached to him the hand I usually hang from the ceiling and the "bloody" sword with a trigger so that when someone moves one of the chairs, the sword should move. But it doesn't work, as is true with most of my MacGyverisms. The other is a white ghost I usually have on the ground. She's hanging this year, though, complete with dangling high-heeled shoes.
I was thinking I might be a pirate this year, but I went with faerie instead (can't spell that word anymore). It's cool. Soft, black dress with teal, lace sleeves and curly, sheer, black, sparkling wings. It has potential.
Okay, I didn't mean to get on here, so I'm going to go to sleep. Good night.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Okay, guys! Who's happy? That would be me!
After a long and harrowing evening last night, trying to figure out the calculus part of physics that we almost covered in time for the test today (which went well, except for the last question, which I found two answers to), I am finally having a good morning!
So, anyway, getting an answer on the physics test was a plus.
Second period, I got called up to the guidance office while I was trying to work on Legacy. Nothing bad, just good news. But apparently, no one's really supposed to talk about it until they officially release the information on Sept. 13th. Okay, Caleb? September 13th!! So, I'll get to work on that then.
Third period was good, too, which is the real reason I'm on. I HAVE A FAN!!!!! One of the people from German got on last night and read THE ANNOUNCEMENT--the ENTIRE thing, and he loved it. He also read the first chapter of Legacy and is looking forward to more, and he says he's going to read "the rest," which could be embarrassing, considering how much worse they are. But if he enjoys it, more power to him.
And he says that I should send my ideas to the writers/people in control of stories at Stargate and see if they'll use it. Someone else suggested that, too. It just seems a bit presumptuous to me. I don't want to just write to them and say "Hey, a bunch of people really like my stories; would you like to use them for an episode/arc?" I mean, it'd be really cool, but it's also pretty gutsy. I don't think I could. But it's exciting to think that someone could get excited about my story. It's cool! I'm happy!
I'll go back and work on the third chapter of Legacy, then, since the good news from the guidance office took me away from it during study hall.
Y'all have a nice day, now, ya hear? I may be on again later!
After a long and harrowing evening last night, trying to figure out the calculus part of physics that we almost covered in time for the test today (which went well, except for the last question, which I found two answers to), I am finally having a good morning!
So, anyway, getting an answer on the physics test was a plus.
Second period, I got called up to the guidance office while I was trying to work on Legacy. Nothing bad, just good news. But apparently, no one's really supposed to talk about it until they officially release the information on Sept. 13th. Okay, Caleb? September 13th!! So, I'll get to work on that then.
Third period was good, too, which is the real reason I'm on. I HAVE A FAN!!!!! One of the people from German got on last night and read THE ANNOUNCEMENT--the ENTIRE thing, and he loved it. He also read the first chapter of Legacy and is looking forward to more, and he says he's going to read "the rest," which could be embarrassing, considering how much worse they are. But if he enjoys it, more power to him.
And he says that I should send my ideas to the writers/people in control of stories at Stargate and see if they'll use it. Someone else suggested that, too. It just seems a bit presumptuous to me. I don't want to just write to them and say "Hey, a bunch of people really like my stories; would you like to use them for an episode/arc?" I mean, it'd be really cool, but it's also pretty gutsy. I don't think I could. But it's exciting to think that someone could get excited about my story. It's cool! I'm happy!
I'll go back and work on the third chapter of Legacy, then, since the good news from the guidance office took me away from it during study hall.
Y'all have a nice day, now, ya hear? I may be on again later!
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