Monday, September 22, 2003

My symbiote looked at him skeptically. “And how is it that your judgment on such a matter is higher than my own? I have had experience repairing hyperdrives so that they work at ninety percent efficiency. The way these were configured, they energy bypassed the power buffers so that the engines would overload.” A hint of a smile played across my face, the most expression Vinnet would ever show, the Vulcan! “Of course you wouldn’t have wanted anything to happen to this ship while I was on it, now would you?”

He could not answer Vinnet’s rhetorical sarcasm truthfully or otherwise for fear of revealing his plot (How melodramatic do I want to be?), but instead stood helplessly by as she rearranged the myriad crystals. When she had finished checking all the control circuits, she turned around to leave and came face to face with the wrong end of a zat.

This is getting way too cliché. How do I want this to end?
Start: Vinnet/Sarah in engine room with the two NID guys on the ship. Lauren in front with Vandrof, eight Jaffa are in between.

End: On planet, send Jaffa/NID to … Earth? Vandrof leaves with ship to Tok’ra. No, save ship for later. Vandrof stays with ship to take them to the Tok’ra base after … No, wait. They would want all the help they could get. How ‘bout this: They send the Jaffa through the Stargate. Only Sarah and Lauren are outside the ship. Vandrof’s still inside. Just after the wormhole closes, they’re surrounded by the natives, forcing Vandrof to take off and orbit until he can again meet up with Sarah/Vinnet.
Between: a bluff. That’s it. Vinnet tricks the NID guys… no… maybe- to think that she isn’t affected by zat shots, but they’re too smart for that, so she lets Sarah talk. She convinces them that she’s scared and that Vinnet would not be harmed if they shot her. (Possibly insert strange variation of the name of an Ancient Egyptian goddess here?)

Thanks for bearing with me as I talk to myself about my summer project.

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