Monday, October 20, 2003

Nothing new here but some more stuff on the story about revealing the Tok'ra to post tomorrow. (I'm waiting until then in the hopes that I'll be able to wrtie some more in TMP.)

Quote of the day: "When making a decision, if you feel any doubt about it, don't do it." -Mr. Garrich

Question of the day: Isn't that quote completely wrong? It should say, "When making a decision, if you feel any doubt about it, pray."

Ted's question #10: Why can't you feed me any earlier than a quarter after seven?

Reeses progress report: I think I found a solution to my problem. If I find some time and hear any encouraging remarks about it, I'll start back on it. (But it may still have to wait until I'm done with SRU and the Halloween party.)

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