Another pointless rant of satire for the day. Topic: Pointless assignments and classes.
TMP, Technical Multimedia Presentation, in which we learn how to use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint as well as how to "touch type."
Do you have any idea how much I use MS Word at home? I did my whole twenty-eight page fanfiction, Hot Pink on MS Word last year, and that's the program I used for To Be, Reeses, and all of my other fanfics as well. Now, tell me, do I really need to relearn something that I figured out when I was, what, eight? Five? And so I ask myself: What is the point in being taught something I already know? Isn't the point of school to learn something, or learn something that you did not already know? It would be like someone explaining to me what Goa'uld and Tok'ra are or how to count. It's something I know very well and I do not need to be taught that again.
Okay, I can understand how people (including myself) don't know how Excel might be useful, but, again, it's not that hard to figure out; that's what the "help" button at the top's for. Not to mention that on the newer editions of Windows, you get the nice, pretty, little wizard dude that explains stuff in such a basic manner that two-year-olds could understand. Besides, hardly anyone uses the program outside of a work situation. (Then there's Dad, but he's a business owner; that explains everything.)
Powerpoint, though. *shakes head* We've been learning Powerpoint since fifth grade. Every year. And hyper-something-or-other, which NO ONE uses unless they're hopelessly addicted to Macs, man's worst enemy. So why do they think that we need to learn powerpoint yet again? Much more and it will be ingrained in our bones, a twenty-fourth DNA strand in each cell, hopelessly driving us to make... new... slide. We'll be TMP zombies, preaching the good news of powerpoint in places where the internet does not have its slimy grasp on the minds and hearts of poor, helpless souls of those who have succumbed to its power.
Wait! What am I talking about? I love the internet!
Oh, yes, the typing lessons. I mean, I must truly need them considering that I've had that typing CD that my parents gave me and I learned off of. Then there was another typing program in sixth grade. And one last year that lasted for a long while and now: this. Why does the stinkin' school district think so little of us as to make us take typing THREE times! Let alone anything we might happen to learn at home. I mean, obviously, I can't type; just look at how little I put in for each of these blogs. See? And I don't even use whole words that are spelled correctly. Just whatever words come to mind that can be shortened to the fewest characters. And if I could type well, then I'd have perfect grammar on this blog; as you can see, I don't. I mean, just look at this pitiful excuse for typing!
And now. Now Mr. B's making us do the same exact things over and over like we're dogs who must learn things by nothing less than many, many repetitions.
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