I have nothing to say today other than the fact that my pinky finger hurts, so I'm going to follow the rubric for once.
Quote of the day: "The corollary is that no writer will take all of his or her editor's advice; for all have sinned and falledn short of editorial perfection. Put another way, to write is human, to edit is divine." -Stephen King in On Writing
Question of the day: Why am I condemned forevermore until halfway through June to "honors" biology?
Ted's question #24: Why am I condemned forevermore until halfway through the night to the other side of the door?
Reeses progress report: Uh... I'm supposed to have progress? Well, you see.... I still have an excuse: midterms. Yeah, yeah, that's it. You don't need to know that I wrote a testimony and read to page 62 in Stephen King on Writing today. I can't write because.... I broke a nail and now I can't type ... different finger.... P's. Or.... differentfinger.... apostrophies, ?, 0, or enter.
...different finger...
Actually, I'm exaggerating ever so slightly. As evident by my notebook, I still have two and a half notebook pages to type in and share from early January. I started on an outline to get me moving through the next part, which seems entirely too cliche, and I think I have two more sentences in my English notebook since I was dumb and left my main notebook that's already half used up since just after Crhistmas on the coffeetable when I left for school a couple days ago. Must've been it, 'cause I can't for the life of me find what I thought I wrote in it. All well, more pain and anxiety for y'all. I'm fine here, basking in the heat of the bath tub with a book and expecting a two hour delay tomorrow.
No, really, I remember writing that in math class during Channel One, 'cause I was too busy to care about the news in the world today. I mean, most of it doesn't directly affect my life anyway.
Eh, I'll share what I wrote tomorrow morning if Mara Jade doesn't e-mail me by then.
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