Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I've been doing what you might could call research lately in the form of reading through a book called The Stargate Conspiracy (Picknett, Lynn and Clive Prince. The Stargate Conspiracy. New York, NY: Berkley Publishing Group, 1999.) Anyway, right about as I got to chapter four ("Contact?"), I realized that the information contained in this "non-fiction" book could be incorporated into some great fanfic/story...

I mean, what if some Stargate fan found out that it's all true, though the "SGC" isn't in Cheyenne Mountain, but the Great Pyramid with the underground complex being underneath the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx. The Goa'uld would actually be called Nommo or, better yet, the Ennead (meaning "the Nine"). (You'd have to see chapter four for all the details; I don't want to rewrite the book.) Of course, they wouldn't be so tacky as to call it the Stargate (might not be round, either), but arq ur . Since that's the later Egyptian word for silver, three guesses what color the "gate" would be... (The only reason it's discussed in the SC--Stargate Conspiracy--is that it's been translated to mean "Sphinx," which is apparently wrong.) Of course, the Ennead (the Nine) would be pretty much exactly like the Goa'uld, though maybe not parasitic--self-obsessed, obnoxious, cliche, the whole nine yards. And instead of seven system lords, there'd be nine.

Maybe there'd be an alpha site on Earth--Lab Nine in America... I'm just throwing out ideas here, more for my own reference than anyone else's. It has potential, though...

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