Quote of the day: Jedenfalls bin ich uberzeugt, dass der nicht wurfelt. (I don't know exactly what it says, but it's something to the effect of "I do not believe that God plays dice with the universe.") -Einstein (apparently)
Question of the day: Why haven't I gotten any reviews?
Ted's question #z: Why haven't you stayed a single night before leaving?
Reeses progress report:
Okay. I know I'm really, extremely impatient when it comes to reviews, but... But I usually have at least three reviews by now. WHERE IS EVERYONE? I finally posted a new chapter of Reeses. The next chapter of Reeses. On Friday. And no one's reviewed. Is there some kind of plague hanging over my story? Is everyone mad that I waited six months to write something worthwhile? What?
1 comment:
"Jedenfalls bin ich uberzeugt, dass der nicht wurfelt" means "In any case, I am convinced that He [God] does not play dice". Written by Einstein to Max Born in a letter dated 4th December 1926, referring to the latter's Quantum Theory".
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