Sharing some original stuff....
Jordan Roxbury shifted her weight from one leg to the other, impatiently waiting in the school lunch line. After ten minutes of inching forward a total of five feet, she marched to a vending machine, deposited a dollar bill, and jabbed the button for her selection. Nothing happened. She glanced back up to the top of the device, only to see a sloppily taped out of order sign high above her low eye-level. She uselessly tapped the coin release lever before storming to her lunch table. "Hey, Meg," she began, dropping to a chair, "can I beg for some food?"
"Sure," the other replied. "Have a brownie; it's got sprinkles."
"Right, the whole childhood sprinkle trauma," Jorden recalled, pulling the half-edible desert from her friend's tray. "Thanks."
"So how's your day going?" Megan inquired politely.
"Horrible," she replied, her tone one of nonchalance. "I've got so much homework; I've got to write that King Arthur essary for tomorrow, define thirty words, and study for five tests." She sighed, carefully setting her head ona cleaner part of the table. She continued with her forehead just in front of a math book. "Tonight I'll proably see if that aroma therapy stuff has any merit."
Megan laughed a couple times. "You mean with that bottle of water you've been keeping in your room for four months?"
"That's special water," Jordan replied defensively, picking her head up off the table. "The sign by the spring siad that it was used as a health center in the mid-1800s because people thouth the water wass medicinal."
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