Wow. More poetry. The "treat" continues. Wait a minute, maybe that should have an "h" in it... Depends on your view of my poetry. (Which you can always communicate to me by leaving a comment, hint hint!) *reviewing first poem* Wow. That really stinks. You can just kinda tell that I wrote that for an assignment in English. We were looking at a picture and had to incorporate two examples of rhyme, onemonepia (which I could spell right if I cared), and alliteration. Unfortunately, assonance wasn't required.
Vroom. Zoom.
I can see from my roost
cars go speeding by.
We are up so high.
If something went wrong
while we wait....
Turn up a song
forego my fate
The bungee is secure.
"Empty House"
He is not here
this man you seek.
He left for the pier
early this week.
A clatter.
A splash.
We wonder why
this gregarious guy
sank without speaking
to kids in his keeping.
Note: That one really isn't much better, but it flows a bit more easily than the first. To my way of thinking, both are pretty morbid. Gee, I wonder how I feel about English class....
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