My brain is so fried right now. I wish I could have seen an fMRI while I was working on this; my initial impression is that it would show increased blood flow relative to while I work out plot details, which would in turn show increased blood flow relative to calculus class, probably by a factor of about 2/3.
I'm just frustrated right now. I feel like just because I leave out a word here and there in e-mails or leave out two or three trains of thought, people think I'm nuts. Seriously, there's not enough time in the day to explain every single thing. Besides, at that point, you start approaching Ontongard level of communication, and I don't think that's healthy in our society. We need to leave things out, distribute information unevenly, keeping most close to the vest to preserve the identifying differences among us. Communicate the largest thoughts only, not the intermediate processes; if we understand everything, we lose the diversity that, like disassociated gases, expands our horizons within whatever container we find ourselves. (I like these disassociated gases analogies.)
I'm tired. Four hour exertion for three paragraphs! Ridiculous until you account for the sink-or-swim nature of the material. My head hurts; my eyes are dry. I need a break before I consider something else. Are my own assignments restful? Is programming in a less-than-completely foreign language restful? Is dinner restful? I'd better leave before it closes. Just five more minutes.
Five more minutes.
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