Wednesday, December 13, 2006

At long last, I have determined that there is nothing else to do before I turn in my senior paper later today. Sure, I didn't exactly correct everything my reviewer suggested, which is contrary to the purpose of getting a high grade, but then, (s)he wasn't very specific on what I needed to do. Serves him/her right if it's not the way (s)he wants it. Sheesh... Even I know better than to be vague in reviewing.


It's done.

I'm making webpages later, but now I have to go study for the AP Physics test first period. ttyl

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I have to complain a little about my reader for the senior paper. He didn't really make any sense. Here, take a look at his comments:

Scored outstanding in "The writer documents his sources and does not allow his research (support) to "write" his paper." But then he said... "Do not allow your sources to write the paper for you." And... "Identify all quotes and sources before you use them in your text."

Scored outstanding in "The writer demonstrates a clear understanding of the issue/subject.' But then he said... "Make clear what you know about the subject."

"You must work on... removing sentence errors." None of which my peer editor, two English teachers, or I caught, by the way.

Scored satisfactory in "Errors in grammer and usage do not interfere with the understanding of the paper." But then he said... "Grammatical and punctuation errors seriously hurt the quality of the paper."


Please, Mr. or Mrs. English Teacher, write descriptive sentences! You're speaking in general terms; what are your specific examples?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Amusing, eh? All this work to get up to the twelfth grade. (And I still can't spell...) Oh, but that's not all. All this: having gained my parents' trust, along with a great relationship with them; having read so much when I was young and written so much since; having worked hard enough in all my classes to think I have a chance of getting accepted at MIT; having attended such wonderful opportunities as Alpha, SRU's writing workshop, and PGSS--Having gained all that responsibility and respect from hard work and trustworthiness, only to return to our beloved school and find that the teachers don't trust us, that you need have no responsibility for your own time, because they're certain you can't make good use of it.

Okay, so honestly, I don't always make good use of time. Take the fact that I'm sitting here typing (with my pinkies sore from writing too much HTML recently and using the shift keys so much) rather than studying or modifying my web pages so they can actually look cool or writing my beloved "Best Left Dead." *shrug* I don't have to make sense, do I? At least I am exercizing my mind much more than I was when I awoke to Narnia's soundtrack this morning. Man, was my mind numb!

I am wondering, though, how much I did wrong on that assignment I just handed in. She was so certain it would take all period. Is it just the phase of the year that I'm good at memorizing stuff suddenly? Is it genetics--do computers just seem an extension of myself, as they seem to for my family?