Monday, December 01, 2003

Quote of the day: "Your writing's not just half-decent, it's bloody good!" -Mara Jade, Jedi. (She has no clue how tickled I was at that!)

Question of the day: I'm too happy and positive to come up with a critical question today. Wonder why?

Ted's question #20: What was that water-torture yesterday all about?

Reeses progress report: Um, little to no progress on Reeses, though I did send a revised version to selori for her opinion. I'm thinking about reconsidering that, since she hasn't replied, but I'll give her a break.

Mara Jade, I hope you're very happy with all the stories below. I'm glad someone likes my writing, and I'm really glad that I'm not just writing for my own amusement, that I'm also entertaining you. Hey, if I can write well enough to have fans now when they can be off reading some professional author's stuff, just think what kind of future I could have if I decide to become an author!
On that note, may I also suggest another story that I'm working on with some of my friends called What Has Yet to Occur . Enjoy!

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