Monday, March 29, 2004

Quote of the day: "If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked long ago." -Oma Desala (G'ma nature, not "mother nature", as Danny's taken to calling her... Some translater he is!)

Oh, another quote of the day, courtesy of me and Bloom:

Bloom: (commenting on The Passion ) I thought the book was better.
Mich: (*confused look*) There was a ? (*drops head in hands as she realizes the title of the book Bloom referred to*)

Question of the day: How come Danny's such a bad translater?

Ted's question #Oh, say 25: How come you don't pay any attention to me when you're running around, looking for all those stupid books that seem to bore you to death?

Fanfic progress report:

Okay, I've had some people ask about why I haven't updated "Sought the Truth" or anything else lately. Here's my answer to someone:

Well, you see, I've been rather busy. I just finished my second big report of the year, which was due within two weeks of the last one, so I haven't had much time to write anything else. That and I didn't get another idea for Sought the Truth until last night. When I get caught up with my work, I"ll figure out the rest of the story and go to town working on it. I'm glad someone's looking forward to it, though.

My final answer is this: To finish that report tonight to turn it in tomorrow, I put off doing other English homework and history, as well. Upon the arrival of eighth period tomorrow, I will finally have time to work on fanfiction. I'll talk to wierdkendogirl, though, and see if she has any ideas for my spiritual fic.

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