Friday, April 02, 2004

Okay, what I did the other day on another blog (stargateone) was absolute fun! I mean, that was... happy. I should do that again. But I really don't have any ideas. It's funny where you can go when you have a paragraph of pure craziness and desire to expand on it.

Mom didn't laugh, though, which means that... It's going to get downloaded from my brain and tortured before my very eyes and then... *shiver*

Well, there's that and there's the fact that I just ate, which means I'm cold. *re-shiver*

I like this, just kind of talking/typing to myself in case anyone actually dares to try to find out what in the world (or not) is going on in my head.

Oh, tigger, I just printed the nice copy for you. Everyone else: wierdkendogirl is writing an awesome POTC/Inuyasha crossover. I might put a link up later. Anyway, she allowed me to design the cover pic for it. The problem that she didn't seem to notice is that the pic's printed in a landscape orientation when the story's in portrait. (If you don't know what that means, it means the paper it's printed on is sideways.)

But it is a cool pic. From left to right: Sango, Elizabeth Swan, Kagome, Jack Sparrow with Kirara/Kilala right under him, InuYasha, Will Turner, and Miroku. That way, you have all the girls on one side, guys on the other, just opposite of their current significant other, except for Jack and Kilala, who are in the center.

I also made this one little pic from a nice shot of Bloom, whoever played Elizabeth, and Depp standing together in character. Then I took Miroku's face and stuck it on top of Bloom's. I'll explain the significance of that later. I've got to go.

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