Thursday, November 09, 2006


Should be working on senior project. Or the class I'm sitting in, webpage design. But... I'll have time. My fingers hurt; my nails were long for so long, my fingertips are now really sensitive to pressure. But it'll go away. It always does. And then I can go back to playing guitar in time to relearn all my holiday music.

But I'm happy. My physics teacher let me do the problems I overlooked on the test yesterday, and it took me much less time than I expected. I should worship God in the morning much more often! I can always think better afterwards.

You know, God is pretty amazing. Just wanted to point that out. Really looking forward to the youth retreat tomorrow. Unfortunately, one of the members of my church (who gave my dad and his wife a pair of incredible drawings as a wedding present) died on Monday, and we're leaving shortly after the memorial service. I don't quite know what to think, because I don't think I ever saw or spoke to him, but I hope it doesn't dampen the start of the youth retreat too much. From what I've gathered, I doubt he would want to negatively affect a retreat.


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