Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It's Wednesday. Lab day. I miss PGSS. But it wasn't so bad. Actually, it's rather interesting to calculate the components of the forces acting on an object that's hanging by three strings. But I'm a nerd, and I just proved it again. (If you're interested, the final results were 3.46 N i, 10.2 N j, and 10.2 N k for 1 kg.) Anyway, I'm bored. I'm trying not to finish Tamora Pierce's "Sandry's Book" until after the English test 5th period. No sense getting me all confused and trying to put four teenage mages into "In Cold Blood." The little voice inside my head that gets all the answers right says that would be a bad thing.

But other than that, there's not much going on today. "Meet at the Flagpole" was this morning, but I only caught the tail end of it, because I rode the bus. It stinks, but it was enough so that I'm not in a bad mood now, thank God. (Literally.)

Okay, technically, I should go. Lunch starts in about one minute, and it takes longer than that to log off.

Bis spaeter.

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